My experience as a former ag teacher has taught me the importance of educating families about proper lamb management. Our lamb camps have proven to be a very effective means of doing this. The format varies based on the camp you attend but the instruction and methods taught are the same.
Lamb Clinics
Daily Care
You will learn how to manage your feed program and make sure your animals are performing at their peak levels through best practices in health care. Everything you need to know about daily care, shearing, and clipping legs will be discussed.
Developing your child's showmanship skills from the ground up will help them become successful. As a result of our multiple sessions of intense training, they will gain greater style and polish in the ring. Your campers should leave camp with visible improvements that they can continue to work on at home.
Through the years, we have found ways to achieve success and have proven methods to accomplish them. I will share them with you to ensure your success at home. I've also worked alongside industry leaders to develop products for the sheep industry. You will walk away knowing what to use and how to use it in your own barn for the best results.